Monday, April 15, 2013

Constituent Power Must Belong to the People

The Government of Vietnam has suggested that constituent power is the perfect demonstration of popular sovereignty, which includes the right to propose constitutional initiatives, the right to voice opinions during the constitution drafting process, and, finally, the right to vote via referendum. (*) 
Therefore, together let us: 
1. openly meet in public sites to voice and to share our opinions on the Constitution of a democratic Vietnam; 
2. openly express our political views on the new constitution on every e-forum by writing articles, by speaking in public spaces, by holding placards and signs, by wearing campaign shirts, etc. Such is exercising the right to propose constitutional initiative and the right to contribute opinions – the rights that the Government has already referred to.
3. freely go down the streets to disseminate positive and constructive opinions on the Constitution, so that our compatriots will adopt diverse viewpoints, thereby be able to make sensible and independent decisions on the Constitution of the nation. 
4. refuse to cooperate with any act coercing us into signing documents related to the new constitution that we do not agree with and consider to be violations of people’s right to constitutional making. 
5. notify the public and the Government of all intimidation and harassment against us and our family members during the time when we are exercising our constitutional rights. 
To the Government, We, as tax-payers who enable the Government to operate and regulate the nation’s political life, as the owner of the nation, and as the holder of constituent power, request You to: 
1. publicize all opinions held by individuals and groups on the Constitution, most notably the Declaration of Free Citizens, the Letter of Observations and Propositions from the Committee of Vietnamese Catholic Bishops to the Committee of the 1992 Constitutional Amendment, and the Petition 72 on constitutional amendment, on all mass media inherently surviving on people’s taxes. 
2. establish an independent committee to draft the Constitution and to collect citizens’ opinions hereof. Its independence shall be characterized by the inclusion of non-communists and the presence of the communists being restricted to half of its membership. 
3. stop going from door to door, forcing people to sign on the constitutional amendment draft which provides only two options of “totally agree” and “agree to particular points”. 
4. strictly ban and punish any statement or act that aims to intimidate those who wish to voice their independent viewpoint of the new constitution. 
5. conduct referendum(s) under the supervision of the United Nations, of which Vietnam is a full member, so as to guarantee the integrity and objectivity of the referendum(s). 
WEThe Free Citizens 


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