On the morning of April 4, a dozen or so graduate students and
postdoctoral fellows gathered in the offices of Elena Aprile, a physics
professor at
Columbia University,
to get their first look at the data from an experiment on the other
side of the world. In a tunnel deep under Gran Sasso, Italy, Dr. Aprile
and an international team of scientists had wired a vat containing 134
pounds of liquid xenon to record the pit-pat of invisible particles, the
so-called dark matter that astronomers say constitutes a quarter of the
Photographers were on hand to record the action — after all, you never
know — although theoretical calculations suggested that with only 100
days of observation, the xenon experiment was probably still shy of the
time necessary to see dark matter. “We will not discover dark matter
today,” Dr. Aprile said. “We will be doing this again and again.”
Dark matter has teased and tantalized physicists since the 1970s when it
was demonstrated that some invisible material must be providing the
gravitational glue to hold galaxies together. Knowing what it is would
provide a roadmap to new particles and forces, a new view of what
happened in the Big Bang, and more
Nobel Prizes than you can count. Failure to find it would mean that Einstein did not get the laws of gravity quite right.
The best guess is that this dark matter consists of clouds of exotic
subatomic particles left over from the Big Bang and known generically as
wimps, for weakly interacting massive particles, which can pass through
the Earth like smoke through a screen door.
Some particle physicists hope to produce them in the
Large Hadron Collider
outside Geneva or to read their signature in cosmic rays from outer
space. An experiment to do just that, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer,
is scheduled to be launched into space and installed on the
International Space Station at the end of this month. Other physicists,
including Dr. Aprile’s team, have been trying to catch the putative
particles in detectors set far underground to guard against
contamination from cosmic rays.
For the last year the eyes of the physics world have been on Dr.
Aprile’s experiment in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory, part of
Italy’s National Institute of Nuclear Physics, which is widely
acknowledged as the biggest and most sensitive detector out there. She
hopes to record the characteristic signal — a bump and a flash — of the
rare collision of a wimp with a xenon nucleus. The experiment began last
year and ran for 100 days.
At the push of a button the data, unseen until now to guard against
unconscious bias, would begin flowing through an analysis pipeline and
show up as red dots on a big computer screen.
On a table in the corner was a stack of folded yellow notepapers, on
which collaboration members had written their bets on how many events —
putative dark matter detections — would be recorded. They ranged from
20, by an optimistic graduate student, to 2 from a skeptical
astrophysicist. The tension and giddiness in the room rose as the 10:30
deadline came and went, due to computer glitches.
Finally, the promised graph appeared on the screen, showing the first of
91 batches of data. A red dot appeared, the first event signal. It was
rapidly joined by another, and then another, each accompanied by a sharp
intake of breath in the room.
“Oh, God,” Dr. Aprile said as the count rose to four. “I can’t sit anymore.” She got up from her chair.
There were more oohs and ahs as the count climbed to six, more than
would be expected from background radioactivity in the detector, and
finally stopped.
Everybody clapped, and Dr. Aprile went around the room offering hugs and
kissing cheeks. But the results, she admitted, were ambiguous.
“Six points mean nothing until they have been analyzed,” she said. “I
feel optimistic about the future. We have a lot more to do.”
Indeed, the collaborators soon threw out three of those points,
concluding that they had been caused by noise in the electronics.
“We knew within 10 minutes,” said Rafael Lang of Columbia. “It was totally obvious.”
That left them with three events, compared with two expected from
background, not a large enough disparity to claim evidence of a wimp. On
Wednesday evening Dr. Aprile’s group posted a paper on the physics Web
www.arXiv.com and on Physical Review Letters, saying they had not detected any wimps yet.
But the group refused to be disappointed. The results, members said, had
set new and stringent limits on the nature of the putative dark matter
particles, eliminating some theoretical models, as well as showing that
their detector was performing up to snuff. Dr. Aprile called it “a
spectacular result.”
Neal Weiner, a particle theorist at
New York University,
agreed, noting that these were only the first results from an
experiment that will go on for years and get more sensitive. If there is
any dark matter in their data set, they will not have to wait years to
find out, he said, “we just to have to wait for later this year.”
Dr. Lang said: “It’s the feeling of the community that something new and
big is just around the corner. We are not there just yet but maybe we
are not far from it, and this is very exciting.”
Dr. Aprile said they would definitely be doing this again.
In an e-mail from Italy, she wrote, “I know there is nothing more
exciting than a signal, but when we are searching for the unknown, the
more we probe the closer we get to truth.”