ScienceDaily — The human retina
-- the part of the eye that converts incoming light into
electrochemical signals -- has about 100 million light-sensitive cells.
So retinal images contain a huge amount of data. High-level
visual-processing tasks -- like object recognition, gauging size and
distance, or calculating the trajectory of a moving object -- couldn't
possibly preserve all that data: The brain just doesn't have enough
neurons. So vision scientists have long assumed that the brain must
somehow summarize the content of retinal images, reducing their
informational load before passing them on to higher-order processes.
At the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers' Human
Vision and Electronic Imaging conference on Jan. 27, Ruth Rosenholtz, a
principal research scientist in the Department of Brain and Cognitive
Sciences, presented a new mathematical model of how the brain does that
summarizing. The model accurately predicts the visual system's failure
on certain types of image-processing tasks, a good indication that it
captures some aspect of human cognition.
Most models of human object recognition assume that the first thing
the brain does with a retinal image is identify edges -- boundaries
between regions with different light-reflective properties -- and sort
them according to alignment: horizontal, vertical and diagonal. Then,
the story goes, the brain starts assembling these features into
primitive shapes, registering, for instance, that in some part of the
visual field, a horizontal feature appears above a vertical feature, or
two diagonals cross each other. From these primitive shapes, it builds
up more complex shapes -- four L's with different orientations, for
instance, would make a square -- and so on, until it's constructed
shapes that it can identify as features of known objects.
While this might be a good model of what happens at the center of the
visual field, Rosenholtz argues, it's probably less applicable to the
periphery, where human object discrimination is notoriously weak. In a
series of papers in the last few years, Rosenholtz has proposed that
cognitive scientists instead think of the brain as collecting statistics
on the features in different patches of the visual field.
Patchy impressions
On Rosenholtz's model, the patches described by the statistics get
larger the farther they are from the center. This corresponds with a
loss of information, in the same sense that, say, the average income for
a city is less informative than the average income for every household
in the city. At the center of the visual field, the patches might be so
small that the statistics amount to the same thing as descriptions of
individual features: A 100-percent concentration of horizontal features
could indicate a single horizontal feature. So Rosenholtz's model would
converge with the standard model.
But at the edges of the visual field, the models come apart. A large
patch whose statistics are, say, 50 percent horizontal features and 50
percent vertical could contain an array of a dozen plus signs, or an
assortment of vertical and horizontal lines, or a grid of boxes.
In fact, Rosenholtz's model includes statistics on much more than
just orientation of features: There are also measures of things like
feature size, brightness and color, and averages of other features --
about 1,000 numbers in all. But in computer simulations, storing even
1,000 statistics for every patch of the visual field requires only
one-90th as many virtual neurons as storing visual features themselves,
suggesting that statistical summary could be the type of space-saving
technique the brain would want to exploit.
Rosenholtz's model grew out of her investigation of a phenomenon
called visual crowding. If you were to concentrate your gaze on a point
at the center of a mostly blank sheet of paper, you might be able to
identify a solitary A at the left edge of the page. But you would fail
to identify an identical A at the right edge, the same distance from the
center, if instead of standing on its own it were in the center of the
word "BOARD."
Rosenholtz's approach explains this disparity: The statistics of the
lone A are specific enough to A's that the brain can infer the letter's
shape; but the statistics of the corresponding patch on the other side
of the visual field also factor in the features of the B, O, R and D,
resulting in aggregate values that don't identify any of the letters
Road test
Rosenholtz's group has also conducted a series of experiments with
human subjects designed to test the validity of the model. Subjects
might, for instance, be asked to search for a target object -- like the
letter O -- amid a sea of "distractors" -- say, a jumble of other
letters. A patch of the visual field that contains 11 Q's and one O
would have very similar statistics to one that contains a dozen Q's. But
it would have much different statistics than a patch that contained a
dozen plus signs. In experiments, the degree of difference between the
statistics of different patches is an extremely good predictor of how
quickly subjects can find a target object: It's much easier to find an O
among plus signs than it is to find it amid Q's.
Rosenholtz, who has a joint appointment to the Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, is also interested in the
implications of her work for data visualization, an active research area
in its own right. For instance, designing subway maps with an eye to
maximizing the differences between the summary statistics of different
regions could make them easier for rushing commuters to take in at a
In vision science, "there's long been this notion that somehow what
the periphery is for is texture," says Denis Pelli, a professor of
psychology and neural science at New York University. Rosenholtz's work,
he says, "is turning it into real calculations rather than just a side
comment." Pelli points out that the brain probably doesn't track exactly
the 1,000-odd statistics that Rosenholtz has used, and indeed,
Rosenholtz says that she simply adopted a group of statistics commonly
used to describe visual data in computer vision research. But Pelli also
adds that visual experiments like the ones that Rosenholtz is
performing are the right way to narrow down the list to "the ones that
really matter."
'Gái bán dâm TQ bị công an đàn áp'
11 years ago
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